June 9, 2017 |
Genealogical Sites published
in SEFHG Newsletters |
Use the links below to jump to the
section you want. |
Engines |
Software |
Podcasts |
Books |
Blogs |
Australian |
Australian Capital Territory |
South Wales |
Territory |
Queensland |
Tasmania |
Victoria |
Australia |
Zealand |
International |
France |
India |
Germany |
Ghana |
South Africa |
Kingdom |
Cornwall |
Ireland |
Scotland |
United States of America |
Engines |
Ancestor Search |
randymajors.com/p/ancestorsearch.html |
Easy Google Genealogy Searcher |
www.searchforancestors.com/google/searcher.html |
Family Tree Maker |
www.mackiev.com/ftm/index.html |
Free Genealogy Search Help for
Google |
www.genealogy-search-help.com/ |
Free Google Earth for Genealogy Webinar |
lisalouisecooke.com/free-google-earth-for-genealogy-video-class-by-lisa-louise-cooke/ |
Genealogy Power Search |
www.googleyourfamilytree.com/genealogy_powersearch.php |
Genealogy Search Australia |
www.searchwhateveraustralia.com.au/ |
Google |
www.google.com |
Google Books |
books.google.com/ |
Google Cultural Institute |
www.google.com/culturalinstitute/ |
Google News
Archive |
news.google.com/archivesearch |
Mocavo |
mocavo.com/ |
My Heritage Research |
www.myheritage.com/research |
RootsMagic |
www.rootsmagic.com |
Software |
Brother's Keeper |
http://www.bkwin.org |
Coherent Software Australia |
http://www.cohsoft.com.au/ |
Evidentia |
http://evidentiasoftware.com |
Heredis |
http://www.heredis.com/en/heredis-2015-for-windows/ |
Gramps - Genealogical Research Software |
https://gramps-project.org/features/ |
Personal Web Kit |
http://www.personalwebkit.com/ |
Progeny Genealogy |
http://progenygenealogy.com/ |
Res Privata |
http://www.softcom.net/users/sibfam/share/respriv.html |
Scrapbook Flair |
http://www.scrapbookflair.com/ |
UK Parish Locator |
http://web.onetel.net.uk/~gdlawson/parfind.htm |
Podcasts |
Australian Generations Project Oral
History Interviews |
http://artsonline.monash.edu.au/australian-generations/ |
Cyndi’s List Podcasts for Genealogy |
http://www.cyndislist.com/podcasts.htm |
Family Tree Magazine |
http://www.familytreemagazine.com/Info/Podcasts |
Genealogy Gems |
http://www.genealogygemspodcast.com/ |
Personal Life Media |
http://personallifemedia.com/podcasts/415-family-history |
The Genealogy Guys |
http://www.genealogyguys.com/ |
Tracing Your Roots BBC |
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006zbxm |
UK National Archives |
http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/rss/podcasts.xml |
Books |
Archive CD Books Australia |
http://www.archivecdbooks.com.au/ |
Australian Family Tree Connections
Bookshop |
http://www.aftc.com.au/Bookshop/BS.html |
Book Depository |
http://www.bookdepository.com/ |
Book Finder |
http://www.bookfinder.com/ |
Bookshelf of Oz |
http://www.judyoz.com/ |
Dictionary of Old Occupations eBook |
http://www.familyresearcher.co.uk/glossary/Dictionary-of-Old-Occupations-Index.html |
Gould Genealogy and History News |
http://www.gouldgenealogy.com/ |
Lulu Books |
http://www.lulu.com |
Maritime Books |
http://www.maritimebooks.com.au/ |
Origins Store |
http://www.origins.net/store/store.aspx |
Rootsbooks |
http://www.rootsbooks.com/ |
S&N Genealogy |
http://www.genealogysupplies.com |
Society of Australian Genealogists
Bookshop |
http://www.sag.org.au/shop.html |
The National Archives (UK) Bookshop |
http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/bookshop/ |
Blogs |
Family History Daily - The 13 Reasons You Can’t Break Down Your Brick Walls |
http://familyhistorydaily.com/ |
Geneabloggers |
http://www.geneabloggers.com/ |
Genealogy Blog |
www.genealogyblog.com |
Heritage Family History |
http://www.heritagefamilyhistory.co.uk/blog/2016/09/surnames-the-norman-conquest/ |
In My Past |
https://blog.findmypast.com/in-our-records-the-world-war-1-soldiers-who-left-their-own-graffiti |
Privacy Issues for Family Historians |
http://blog.myheritage.com/2015/09/privacy-issues-for-family-historians/ |
Random Genealogy Blog Spot |
http://randomfh.blogspot.com/ |
The Secret of Swiss Cemeteries |
http://www.dicconbewes.com/2011/10/31/the-secret-of-swiss-cemeteries/ |
Top 10 Tips for Finding Alternate Surname
Spellings & Variations |
http://genealogy.about.com/od/name_changes/tp/spellings.htm |
Who Actually Owns the Family Tree You Have Online? |
http://familyhistorydaily.com/genealogy-help-and-how-to/who-actually-owns-the-family-tree-you-have-online |
World War I Centenary Projects Page 1 |
http://www.gouldgenealogy.com/2013/12/world-war-1-centenary-projects-1/ |
World War I Centenary Projects Page 2 |
http://www.gouldgenealogy.com/2014/03/world-war-1-centenary-projects-2/ |
World War I Centenary Projects Page 3 |
http://www.gouldgenealogy.com/2014/10/world-war-1-centenary-projects-3/ |
Australian |
13th Australasian Congress on Genealogy
and Heraldry - Your Ancestors in their Social
Context |
www.congress2012.org.au |
100 Years of Anzac |
http://www.anzaccentenary.gov.au/ |
Aboriginal Place Names |
http://press.anu.edu.au/titles/aboriginal-history-monographs/placenames_citation/ |
Adam Lindsay Gordon Commemorative
Committee |
http://www.adamlindsaygordon.org/ |
Ancestry.com (Australia) |
http://www.ancestry.com.au |
Anglo Boer War Centenary Exhibition |
http://users.westconnect.com.au/~ianmac5/exhibit1.html |
Anzac Connections - Biographies including
private records and diaries |
https://www.awm.gov.au/people/profiles/#ANZACConnections |
Anzac France - the Somme Official
Website |
http://www.anzac-france.com/anzac/history |
arcHIVE (NAA) |
http://transcribe.naa.gov.au/ |
Aussie Heritage |
http://www.aussieheritage.com.au/ |
Australasia – BMD Exchange |
http://www.ausbdm.org/ |
Australasia Through a Lens |
http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/australasia/ |
Australasian Immigrant Ship Service |
http://freespace.virgin.net/donald.hazeldine/austral.htm |
Australia and the Vietnam War |
http://vietnam-war.commemoration.gov.au/ |
Aboriginal Genealogy Resources |
http://mc2.vicnet.net.au/home/pmackett/web/index.html |
Australian Ancestry Stories on the
History Channel |
http://www.historychannel.com.au/ancestry/ |
Australian Cast Iron Gravemarker
Photographic Catalogue |
http://www.churchmousewebsite.co.uk/castironfiles/ci_cat_aus_autogen2.htm |
Australian Cemeteries |
http://www.ozgenonline.com/aust_cemeteries/ |
Australian Christian Church Histories |
http://www.churchhistories.net.au |
Australian Christmas Traditions |
http://www.santaswarehouse.com.au/history_of_christmas/christmas_in_australia.shtml |
Australian Copyright Council |
http://www.copyright.org.au/ |
Australian Dancing |
http://www.australiadancing.org/ |
Australian Dress Register |
http://australiandressregister.org/ |
Australian Family History Online
Resources |
http://www.familytreeoz.com/ |
Australian Federation of Family History
Organisations AFFHO |
http://www.affho.org/ |
Australian Generations Oral History
Project |
http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/australian-generations/about-the-project.php |
Australian Heritage Magazine |
http://www.heritageaustralia.com.au |
Australian Historic Records Register |
http://www.nla.gov.au/ahrr/ |
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) Family
History Unit |
http://www.aiatsis.gov.au/library/family_history_tracing |
Australian Institute of Genealogical
Studies |
http://www.aigs.org.au/ |
Australian Medical Pioneers Index |
http://www.medicalpioneers.com/ |
Australian Navy List |
http://www.navy.gov.au/Publication:Navy_List |
Australian Newspapers Online |
http://ndpbeta.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/home |
Australian Newspaper Plan |
http://www.nla.gov.au/anplan/about/collect.html |
Australian and New Zealand Records at
Rootsweb |
http://userdb.rootsweb.com/aus/ |
Australian Periodical Publications
1840-1845 |
http://www.nla.gov.au/ferg/ |
Australian Racing Museum and Hall of
Fame |
http://www.racingvictoria.net.au/australianracingmuseum/default.aspx |
Australian Railway Men Who Served in the
First World War |
http://home.iprimus.com.au/bexleyboy/1914/victoria.html |
Australian Royalty |
http://australianroyalty.net.au/ |
Australian Service Nurses National
Memorial |
http://www.skp.com.au/memorials2/pages/00010.htm |
Australians in the Boer War – Oz Boer
Database Project |
http://members.pcug.org.au/~croe/ozb/oz_boer6.htm |
Australians Serving in the Boer War |
http://members.iinet.net.au/~perthdps/military/ |
Australian Society of Indexers |
http://www.aussi.org/resources/genealogical.htm |
Australian Travelling Entertainers |
http://www.pennygaff.com.au/index.html |
Australian Victoria Cross Winners |
http://www.diggerhistory.info/pages-medals/australian_vc.htm |
Australian War Memorial |
http://www.awm.gov.au/ |
Australian War Memorial - Rememberance
Day |
http://www.awm.gov.au/commemoration/remembrance/ |
Australian Women's History Forum |
http://www.womenshistory.com.au/ |
Australian Soldiers Serving in South Africa 1899-1902 |
http://www.perthdps.com/military/index.html |
Australia's Community Heritage |
http://www.communityheritage.net.au/ |
Australia's Lost Boys |
http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/history/australias-lost-boys-2365531.html |
Australia’s Red Coat Settlers |
http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~garter1/ |
Australia's War 1939-1945 |
http://www.ww2australia.gov.au |
Avenues of Honor |
http://www.avenuesofhonour.org/ |
Births Deaths and Marriages Registries of
Australiasia |
http://www.australia.gov.au/Births,_Deaths_&_Marriages_Registries |
Biographical Database |
http://www.bda-online.org.au/ |
Boer War |
http://australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/boer-war |
Boer War index, celebrations news, and
tourism information |
http://users.netconnect.com.au/~ianmac/boermain.html |
Boer War Memorial |
http://www.bwm.org.au/site/Home.asp |
Breaker Morant - hero or scapegoat? |
http://www.southaustralianhistory.com.au/breakermorant.htm |
Brian Condon Databases |
http://www.library.unisa.edu.au/condon/index.htm |
Carol's Headstone Photographs |
http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ausvsac/Index.htm |
Celebration of Women Writers |
http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/AUSTRALIA.html |
Change of Place and District Names During
WWI in Australia |
http://www.rootsweb.com/~billingh/chngplac.shtml? |
Child Migration and Child Welfare |
http://www.coraweb.com.au/child.htm |
Child Migrants to Australia |
http://child-migrants-to-australia.beep.com/index.htm |
Chinese-Austrlain Historical Images in
Australia |
http://www.chia.chinesemuseum.com.au/ |
Commonwealth War Graves Commission |
http://www.cwgc.org/ |
Convicts Australia |
http://www.hotkey.net.au/~jwilliams4/cons.htm |
Convicts to Australia |
http://www.convictcentral.com/ |
Convict Records of Australia |
http://www.convictrecords.com.au |
Conviz |
http://www.conviz.info/ |
Customised Heritage Tours |
http://customisedheritagetours.vpweb.com.au/default.html |
Destination Australia |
https://www.destinationaustralia.gov.au/site/ |
Department of Veteran Affairs |
http://www.dva.gov.au |
Dictionary of Australian Artists
Online |
http://www.daao.org.au/ |
Dictionary of Australian Biography |
http://gutenberg.net.au/dictbiog/00-dict-biogIndex.html |
Discovering Anzacs |
http://discoveringanzacs.naa.gov.au/ |
Dreadnought Boys (Victorian Immigration
Museum) |
http://museumvictoria.com.au/immigrationmuseum/discoverycentre |
Dreadnought Boys (ABC Landline) |
http://www.abc.net.au/landline/content/2008/s2394445.htm |
Dreadnought Scheme List of Entries
(Trove) |
http://trove.nla.gov.au/list?id=10452 |
Dreadnought Scheme (NAA) |
http://guides.naa.gov.au/goodbritish-stock/chapter3/dreadnought%20.aspx |
Dutch Emigrants in Australia |
http://www.gahetna.nl/collectie/index/nt00335 |
Encyclopedia of Australian Science |
http://www.eoas.info/ |
Emigrants |
http://www.emigrants.net.au/ |
Family History Research |
http://familyhistoryresearch.com.au/ |
Family History Week (Australia) |
http://www.familyhistoryweek.org.au/ |
Family Lists |
http://www.family.joint.net.au/ |
Fifth Fleet |
http://www.fifthfleet.net |
Find My Past Australia |
http://www.findmypast.com.au |
Find Your Way Home |
http://www.salinkup.com.au/ |
First Fleet Fellowship |
http://home.vicnet.net.au/~firstff/ |
Forgotten Australians’ and ‘Lost
Innocents’: child migrants and children in institutional
care in Australia |
http://www.aph.gov.au/library/pubs/bn/sp/childmigrants.htm |
Forgotten Times (Free digital
magazine) |
http://www.theforgottentimes.com/ |
Free Australian Ancestry |
https://sites.google.com/site/freeaustralianancestry/ |
Gallipoli and the ANZACs |
http://www.anzacsite.gov.au/ |
Genlighten |
http://genlighten.com/ |
Geoscience Australia Place Name
Search |
http://www.ga.gov.au/map/names/ |
German Settlement in Australia
(Wikipedia) |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_settlement_in_Australia |
Ghostly Gazetteer of Australia |
http://www.let.osaka-u.ac.jp/seiyousi/Ghost-Gazetteer/ |
Graves and Memorials of Australians in
the Boer War |
http://www.hagsoc.org.au/sagraves/index.php |
Guide to Australian Business Records |
http://www.gabr.net.au/ |
Helen Doxford Harris OAM |
http://helendoxfordharris.com.au/ |
Historical Records Collection from Family
Search (Australia & New Zealand) |
https://familysearch.org/search/collection |
History from the Heart |
http://www.historyfromtheheart.com.au/ |
History of the Kernewek Lowender |
http://www.kernewek.org/ |
Immigration Bridge |
http://www.immigrationbridge.com.au |
Immigration Bridge Tell Your Story |
http://www.immigrationbridge.com.au/read-all-stories/w4/i1001210/ |
Indigenous Australians at War |
http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/statuepark/620/index.html |
Inside History (Magazine) |
http://www.insidehistory.com.au/ |
Invisible Australians - Living Under the
White Australia Policy |
http://www.invisibleaustralians.org/ |
Ireland Home |
http://www.irelandhome.com.au/ |
Irish Convicts and Databases |
http://members.pcug.org.au/~ppmay/ |
Irish Famine Memorial, Sydney,
Australia |
http://www.irishfaminememorial.org/default.htm |
Irish Wattle - Exploring
Australia's' Irish Ancestry |
http://irishwattle.com/ |
Iron Outlaw (Ned Kelly) |
http://www.ironoutlaw.com/ |
Italian Historical Society |
https://www.coasit.com.au/ |
It’s An Honour |
http://www.itsanhonour.gov.au/honours/honour_roll/index.cfm |
Janet Reakes Genealogy |
http://www.janetreakesgenealogy.com/ |
Journey Jottings |
http://www.journeyjottings.com |
Kitchener's 100 |
http://www.australiandoctorsww1.com/ |
The Kokoda Track
Foundation |
http://www.kokodatrackfoundation.org/ |
Land Titles and Plans for
Australia and New Zealand |
http://www.landregistryau.com/ |
Post |
http://www.thelastpost.com.au |
Leaders of Anzacs |
http://www.anzacs.org/ |
Letters of a Nation (200 Years of
Australia Post) |
http://www.auspost.com.au/200years |
Life at 7 |
http://www.abc.net.au/tv/life/about_the_series/default.htm |
Living History at Seniors.gov |
http://www.seniors.gov.au/ |
Lost Diggers |
http://au.tv.yahoo.com/sunday-night/blogs/article |
Mapworks |
http://www.mapworks.com.au |
Mapping our Anzacs |
http://mappingouranzacs.naa.gov.au/ |
Mariners and Ships in Australian Waters |
http://mariners.records.nsw.gov.au/ |
Mariners Index |
http://www.hotkey.net.au/~jwilliams4/mariners.htm |
Monument Australia |
http://monumentaustralia.org.au/ |
My Life On Film |
http://www.mylifeonfilm.com.au/ |
My Place in History |
http://www.myplaceinhistory.com/ |
National Archives of Australia |
http://www.naa.gov.au/ |
National Archives Fact Sheet on Child
Migration |
http://www.naa.gov.au/about-us/publications/fact-sheets/fs124.aspx |
National Boer War Memorial Association |
http://www.bwm.org.au/ |
National Family History Week |
http://www.familyhistoryweek.org.au |
National Library of Australia |
http://www.nla.gov.au |
National Museum of Australia |
http://www.nma.gov.au |
Navy Bereavement Pin |
http://www.navy.gov.au/Navy_Bereavement_Pin |
Newstext |
http://www.newstext.com.au/pages/main.asp |
Obituaries Australia |
http://ncb.anu.edu.au/newsletter/obituaries-australia |
Old News Copy |
http://www.oldnewscopy.com/ |
Online Names |
http://onlinenames.net.au/ |
Oral History and Folklore in Australia |
http://www.nla.gov.au/oh/ |
Oz Ships - Australian Shipping
1788-1968 |
http://www.ozships.net/ozships/ |
Pandora - Australia's Web Archive |
http://pandora.nla.gov.au/ |
Past Awakenings - Customised UK Genealogy
Tours |
http://www.pastawakenings.com.au/ |
Picture Australia |
http://www.pictureaustralia.org/ |
Preservation Australia |
http://www.preservationaustralia.com.au |
Project Gutenburg of Australia |
http://gutenberg.net.au/index.html |
QueryPic |
http://wraggelabs.com/shed/querypic/ |
The Red Poppy |
http://www.army.gov.au/Our-history/Traditions/The-Red-Poppy |
Remebering the Mission Days |
http://www.aiatsis.gov.au/collections/exhibitions/missions/missions.html |
Researching Aust Military Service - The
South African Boer War |
http://www.awm.gov.au/research/infosheets/south_africa/ |
Royal Australian Airforce Casualty
Database |
http://www.raafdb.com/index.asp |
RSL Virtual War Memorial |
http://www.rslvirtualwarmemorial.org.au/ |
Russian Anzacs |
http://russiananzacs.elena.id.au/ |
Ryerson Index |
http://www.ryersonindex.org/ |
SBS “Who Do You Think You Are?” |
http://programs.sbs.com.au/whodoyouthinkyouare/ |
Scriptorium Calligraphy Studio |
http://www.familytree.net.au/ |
Ships Logs, Journals, Pictures and
Passenger Lists- Australia and New Zealand land |
http://members.optushome.com.au/lenorefrost/shipslog.html |
Slouch Hat Publications |
http://www.slouch-hat.com.au/ |
Society of Australian Genealogists |
http://www.sag.org.au/ |
SS Asturias |
http://www.ssasturias.net/ |
Stress Injury to Health,
Trauma and PTSD |
http://www.bullyonline.org/stress/ww1.htm |
Survey of Australian
Genealogists |
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ausgensurvey/ |
Teaching and Learning About
http://www.anzacday.gov.au/ |
Tindale Collection |
http://www.samuseum.sa.gov.au/page |
Time Trackers |
http://timetrackers.com.au/ |
Trove Genealogy Search Forum |
http://trove.nla.gov.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?16-Genealogy |
Trove Online |
www.trove.nla.gov.au |
Trove - Pictures, Photos and Objects |
http://trove.nla.gov.au/picture |
Unlock the Past |
http://www.unlockthepast.com.au/ |
Vietnam Veteran's Association of
Australia |
http://www.vvaa.org.au/index.htm |
War Memorials in Australia |
http://www.skp.com.au/memorials2/default.htm |
Wattle Do Australian Studies -
Picturesque Atlas of various states |
http://www.geocities.com/toby_meares/index.html |
Websites for Genealogists (Cora Num) |
http://www.coraweb.com.au/ |
Women of Vision -
Nuns in Australia |
http://www.stbedes.catholic.edu.au/home/nuns/ |
World of Old Houses |
http://www.oldhouses.com.au/default.html |
World War I Pictorial Honour Rolls |
http://www.gravesecrets.net/wwi-pictorial-honour-rolls.html |
World War II Nominal Roll |
http://www.ww2roll.gov.au |
World War II Refugees to Australia |
http://immigrantships.net/ww2_au.html |
Wots My Genes |
http://www.wotsmygenes.com |
Australian Capital Territory |
A.C.T. Electoral Rolls 1916 - 1967 |
http://canberraheritageportal.org/default.php |
Canberra’s Public Cemeteries |
http://www.canberracemeteries.com.au/default.asp |
Canberra History Web |
http://www.canberrahistoryweb.com/ |
South Wales |
Bankstown Library Photograph Collection |
http://library.bankstown.nsw.gov.au/Libero/bankstown/toolbar/ |
Cape Banks Family History Society |
http://www.capebanks.org.au |
City of Sydney Sands Directory |
http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/learn/search-our-collections/sands-directory |
Dictionary of Sydney |
http://dictionaryofsydney.org/contributor/liverpool_city_library |
Free Settler or Felon |
http://www.jenwilletts.com/index.htm |
Index to NSW Convict Tickets of Leave
1810-1875 |
http://web.ecorner.com.au/epages |
Joy Murrin Family History Services |
http://www.joymurrin.com.au/ |
Kosciuszko Photograph Album |
http://www.acmssearch.sl.nsw.gov.au/search |
NSW Convicts Records Index |
http://srwww.records.nsw.gov.au/indexes/searchform |
NSW Registry of BDM |
http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au |
State Records of NSW Online Indexes |
http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/state-archives/indexes-online/ |
Northern Territory |
Northern Territory Stories |
http://www.territorystories.nt.gov.au/ |
Queensland |
(Finding Family Blong Yu Mi) |
http://www.blackbird.vu/ |
Central Queensland Family History
Association |
http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~auscqfha/index.htm |
Dead Man's Secrets (Wreck of the
Pandora) |
http://pandorawreckancestors.net/ |
Headstone Photo Collection (of South East
Queensland) |
http://chapelhill.homeip.net/FamilyHistory/Photos/index.htm |
Judy Webster's Genealogy Advice for
Australia, especially Queensland |
http://www.judywebster.gil.com.au/ |
Maryborough District Family History
Society |
http://www.satcom.net.au/mdfhs/ |
Queensland Archives |
http://www.archives.qld.gov.au/ |
Queensland Historical Index |
https://www.bdm.qld.gov.au/IndexSearch/BirIndexQry.m |
Queensland Genealogy |
http://qld-genealogy.blogspot.com.au |
Queensland Government Mining Journal
1900-2008 |
http://mines.industry.qld.gov.au/mining/qgjm-1900.htm |
Tasmania |
Convicts Research Group |
http://www.femaleconvicts.org.au/ |
Founders and Survivors |
http://www.foundersandsurvivors.org/ |
Genealogical Photography - Tasmania |
http://www.genphotography.com.au/ |
Headstones from Cemeteries of
Tasmania |
http://www.ozgenonline.com/~riacaroline/ |
LINC Tasmania's Heritage (Name
Indexes) |
http://www.linc.tas.gov.au/tasmaniasheritage/search/name-indexes/nameindexes |
Tasmanian Archives Online |
http://www.archives.tas.gov.au/database |
Research Tasmania |
http://www.researchtasmania.com.au/index.htm |
State Library of Tasmania |
http://www.statelibrary.tas.gov.au |
Tasmania Miscellaneous Records 1829-2001 |
https://familysearch.org/search/collection/1935075 |
Victoria |
Archival Access Victoria |
http://www.archivalaccessvictoria.com/ |
Ballarat and District Genealogical
Society |
http://www.ballaratgenealogy.org.au/ |
Ballarat Historical Society |
http://www.ballarathistoricalsociety.com/index.php/the-collection/bbsr |
Bellarine Peninsula and Geelong and
District |
http://www.zades.com.au/ |
Creswick Clunes Advertiser |
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~pobjoyoneill/CRESWICK.htm |
Dawn Cowley’s Extra BDM
Certificate Indexes (Victoria) |
http://home.vicnet.net.au/~mgfhs/dawncowleysbdm.htm |
Deaths in Melbourne Hospital |
http://www.tfoenander.com/meldeath.html |
Digby Pioneers in the 1800’s |
http://www.ballaratgenealogy.org.au/digby/dg-names.htm |
Divorce Index Victoria 1861-1900 |
http://www.macbeth.com.au/indexes/divsearch.html |
Eureka Rebellion 1854 |
http://www.ballaratgenealogy.org.au/art/eureka.htm |
Fading Victoria |
http://www.fadingvictoria.com/ |
Geelong and Portland Bay- Emigration
Society (including Port Fairy) 1845-1846 |
http://www.hotkey.net.au/~jwilliams4/geelong2.htm |
Geelong and District |
http://zades.com.au/ |
Geelong Cemetery Trust |
http://www.gct.net.au/ |
Geelong Family History Group |
http://home.vicnet.net.au/~gfamhist/ |
Pathways |
http://www.pathwaysvictoria.info/ |
Port Fairy Historical Society |
http://historicalsociety.port-fairy.com/ |
Port Phillip Herald Archive |
http://www.worldvitalrecords.com |
Public Record Office of Victoria |
http://www.prov.vic.gov.au/ |
Historical Society of Victoria
http://www.historyvictoria.org.au/online.htm |
State Library of Victoria Catalogues |
http://pictures.slv.vic.gov.au/ |
Stawell Biarri Group for
Genealogy |
http://home.vicnet.net.au/~stawgeny/expo.html |
Tarnagulla |
http://home.vicnet.net.au/~tarnagul/ |
The 1853 Bendigo Goldfields Petition |
http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/collections/treasures/bendigopetition/index.html |
Victorian Coastal Passenger Lists 1852-1924 |
http://search.findmypast.com/search-world-Records/victoria-coastal-passenger-lists-1852-1924 |
Victorian Government Gazettes |
http://gazette.slv.vic.gov.au/ |
Victorian Mining Accident Index |
http://www.ballaratgenealogy.org.au/miners.htm |
http://services.land.vic.gov.au/vicnames/ |
Victorian Places |
http://www.victorianplaces.com.au/places |
Victorian Place Names (Australian
GenWeb) |
http://www.australiagenweb.org/archive/vicplacenames.php |
Victorian Probate Index 1841-1925 |
http://proarchives.imagineering.com.au/index_search.asp?searchid=54 |
Victorian Towns and Localities |
http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~surreal/victowns/ |
Women’s Suffrage Petition |
http://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/about/the-history-of-parliament/womens-suffrage-petition/ |
Australia |
Albany Cemetery Board |
http://www.albanycemeteryboard.com.au/index.php |
And All So Far From Home |
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~westaust/ |
Bunbury Cemetery |
http://www.bunburycemetery.com.au/index.php/burial-cremation-records/ |
Canning Jarrah Timber Company Photos |
http://pickeringbrookheritagegroup.com/timber1.html |
Carnamah Historical Society |
http://www.carnamah.com.au/ |
Freemantle Prison |
http://www.fremantleprison.com.au/ |
Outback Family History |
http://www.outbackfamilyhistory.com.au/ |
Registry BDM Western Australia |
http://www.bdm.dotag.wa.gov.au/_apps/pioneersindex/default.aspx |
State Records Office of Western
Australia |
http://www.sro.wa.gov.au/ |
Western Australian Metropolitan
Cemeteries Board |
http://www.mcb.wa.gov.au/default.php |
Western Australian Police Gazettes |
http://www.liswa.wa.gov.au/find/wa_resources/police_gazettes |
WA Convict Database |
http://www.fremantleprison.com.au/history/history6.cfm |
New Zealand |
Discover WWI - New Zealand Defense Force
Files |
http://archives.govt.nz/world-war-one |
Gold Rush
Online |
http://www.kaelewis.com/ |
Library of New Zealand |
http://natlib.govt.nz/ |
Zealand Bound |
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nzbound/ |
Zealand History Online |
http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/ |
Papers Past |
http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast |
Personnel Records at the New Zealand
Defence Force Archives |
http://www.nzdf.mil.nz/personnel-records/nzdf-archives/ |
Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa |
http://www.archives.presbyterian.org.nz/ |
International |
140 Free Online Genealogy
Courses |
https://www.familysearch.org/learn/researchcourses |
1421 The Year China Discovered the
World |
http://www.1421.tv/ |
1914-1918 International Encyclopedia of the First World War |
http://www.1914-1918-online.net/index.html |
2011 Top 100 Most Popular Genealogy
Websites from GenealogyInTime Magazine |
http://www.genealogyintime.com/NewsStories/2012 |
2013 Top 100 Genealogy Sites |
http://www.genealogyintime.com/articles/top |
2014 Top 100 Genealogy Websites |
http://www.genealogyintime.com/articles/top-100-genealogy-websites-of-2014 |
About.com - Free Family Tree Chart |
http://genealogy.about.com/od/free_charts/ig/genealogy_charts/family_tree.htm |
Achievments |
http://www.achievements.co.uk/ |
Ajax Translator |
http://ajax.parish.ath.cx/translator/ |
Ancestors on Board |
http://www.ancestorsonboard.com/ |
Ancestral Atlas |
http://www.ancestralatlas.com/ |
Ancestry.com |
http://www.ancestry.com |
Armchair Genealogist |
http://www.thearmchairgenealogist.com/ |
Battle of Britain Roll of Honour |
http://www.raf.mod.uk/bob1940/roll.html |
Billion Graves |
http://billiongraves.com/ |
Biography Resouce Centre |
http://www.gale.cengage.com/BiographyRC/ |
Books We Own |
http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~bwo/index.html |
Bounty Genealogy |
http://www.bountygenealogy.com |
Brave Women |
http://www.angellpro.com.au/women.htm |
Broomfield Enterprise - On Genealogy: Fun
ways to give gift of family history |
http://www.broomfieldenterprise.com/ci_16828681 |
Café Press Family Tree Present Ideas |
http://www.cafepress.com.au/+family-tree+gifts |
Children's Homes |
http://www.childrenshomes.org.uk/ |
Cyndi’s List |
http://www.cyndislist.com/ |
David Rumsey Map Collection |
http://www.davidrumsey.com/ |
Dead Fred |
http://www.deadfred.com/ |
Dictionary of Genealogy and Archaic
Terms |
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com |
DNA Testing at World Vital Records |
http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/dna-tests/all-dna-tests |
Dusty Docs |
http://dustydocs.com.au/ |
Elephind.com |
http://www.elephind.com/ |
Every Man Remembered |
http://www.everymanremembered.org/ |
Facebook Family History Community |
https://www.familysearch.org/learn/wiki/en/Join_a_Facebook_Research_Community |
Family Curator |
http://www.thefamilycurator.com/ |
Family History Daily |
http://familyhistorydaily.com/ |
Family Search (Community Trees) |
http://histfam.familysearch.org/ |
Family Search (Family Tree) |
https://familysearch.org/ |
Family Search (A Guide to British
Batches) |
http://www.archersoftware.co.uk/igi/index.htm |
Family Search (Latter Day Saints IGI) |
http://www.familysearch.org/ |
Family Search (Pilot Site) |
http://pilot.familysearch.org/ |
Family Search (Tech Tips) |
https://www.familysearch.org/techtips/ |
Family Photo Book |
http://www.familyphotobook.com.au/products.html |
Family Tree Templates |
http://www.familytreetemplates.net/ |
Family Tree Time |
http://www.familytreetime.com.au |
Find a Grave |
http://www.findagrave.com/ |
First World War |
http://www.firstworldwar.com/index.htm |
Forensic Genealogy |
http://www.forensicgenealogy.info/ |
FutureLearn |
https://www.futurelearn.com/ |
GenCircles |
http://www.gencircles.com/ |
Genealogy and Family Gift Ideas |
http://www.pinterest.com/craigtd/genealogy-family-ideas-gifts/ |
Genealogy Encyclopedia |
http://www.genealogyencyclopedia.com/ |
Genealogy Freelancers |
http://www.genealogyfreelancers.com/ |
Genealogy Gifts |
http://www.cafepress.com/jmkbooks/928799 |
Genealogy Home Page |
http://www.genhomepage.com |
Genealogy in the Classroom |
http://www.victoriags.org/school/index.php |
Genealogy Links.net |
http://www.genealogylinks.net/index.html |
Genealogy Searching Centre |
http://www.genealogysearch.org/index.html |
Genealogy Specialists - TOPDOG |
http://www.genealogy-specialists.com/ |
Genealogy Tools |
http://genealogytools.com |
Genealogy Wise |
http://www.genealogywise.com/ |
GeneaWiki |
http://en.geneawiki.com/index.php/Main_Page |
GeneaQuilts |
http://www.aviz.fr/geneaquilts/ |
Geneosity – Genealogy Family Tree Forms,
Research and Tips |
http://www.geneosity.com/ |
Generous Genealogists |
http://generousgenealogists.com/ |
Genes Reunited |
http://www.genesreunited.co.uk/ |
Genfindit |
http://www.genfindit.com/ |
GenWriters |
http://www.genwriters.com/ |
Global Gazetteer |
http://www.fallingrain.com/world/index.html |
Gravestone Photos |
http://www.gravestonephotos.com/ |
Gravestone Preservation |
http://www.gravestonepreservation.info/ |
Great Aunty Alice Researchers |
http://greatauntyalice.com/researchers/ |
Great Family Newsletters |
http://greatfamilynewsletters.homestead.com/ |
Google Newspaper Archive |
http://news.google.com/newspapers |
Guild of One Name Studies |
http://www.one-name.org/ |
Historical Cities |
http://www.visithistoriccities.com/ |
Historic Photographs |
http://www.historicphotographs.com.au/ |
Historic Photos and Photo Collections |
http://genealogy.about.com/od/historic_photos/tp/where-to-find-legal-photos-on-the-web.htm?nl=1 |
History of the Ancient World |
http://historyoftheancientworld.com/ |
History Pin |
http://www.historypin.com/ |
Holiday Gifts for Genealogists |
http://genealogy.about.com/library/weekly/aa111900b.htm |
IGI Batch Numbers |
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hughwallis/IGIBatchNumbers.htm |
In From the Cold |
http://www.infromthecold.org/ |
In Memory |
http://www.inmemories.com/ |
International Society of Family History
Writers |
http://www.rootsweb.com/~cgc/ |
Legacy.com |
http://www.legacy.com/ |
Library Thing |
http://www.librarything.com |
Looking for Kin Genealogy and Family
History Network and Chat |
http://www.looking4kin.com/ |
Lost Cousins |
http://www.lostcousins.com/ |
Lost Generation |
http://ww1cemeteries.com/ |
Mad About Genealogy |
http://www.madaboutgenealogy.com/ |
Mapco - Map and Plan Collection
Online |
http://mapco.net/ |
Maritime Timetable Images |
http://www.timetableimages.com/maritime/index.htm |
Mary’s Genealogy Treasures |
http://www.telusplanet.net/public/mtoll/ |
Measuring Worth |
http://www.measuringworth.com/ |
Mocavo |
http://www.mocavo.com/records |
My Ancestor Children's Activity
Books |
https://zapthegrandmagap.com/orderpg.html |
My Family |
http://www.myfamily.com |
National Institute of Genealogical
Studies (Canada) |
http://www.genealogicalstudies.com/ |
Obituary Lookup Volunteers |
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~obitl/ovlist.html |
Times (Historical Newspapers Online) |
http://theoldentimes.com/ |
Place Studies |
http://one-place-studies.org/ |
Historical Newspapers |
https://sites.google.com/site/onlinenewspapersite/ |
Open Library |
www.openlibrary.org |
Original Record |
http://www.theoriginalrecord.com/ |
Oxford Ancestors |
http://www.oxfordancestors.com/ |
P&O Heritage |
http://www.poheritage.com/ |
Panoramio |
http://www.panoramio.com/ |
Paper of Record |
https://paperofrecord.hypernet.ca |
Past Times |
http://www.pasttimes.com |
Photographic War Graves Project |
http://twgpp.org/ |
Pocket Tree |
http://www.pocket-tree.com/ |
Price and Associates Prof Genealogy and
Family History Service |
http://pricegen.com/ |
Prisoners in the First World War in the
ICRC Archives |
http://grandeguerre.icrc.org/ |
Recycle Gen |
www.recyclegen.com |
Register of One Place Studies |
http://www.register-of-one-place-studies.org.uk/ |
Remember Me |
http://rememberme.ushmm.org/ |
Resources for Identifying Eastern
European Place Names |
http://genealogy.about.com/od/place_names/tp/eastern-european-place-names.htm?nl=1 |
RMS Titanic Inc |
http://www.rmstitanic.net |
Rootschat |
http://www.rootschat.com/ |
Rootsweb |
http://www.rootsweb.com/ |
Rootsweb Mailing Lists |
http://lists.rootsweb.com/ |
Ships List |
http://www.theshipslist.com/index.html |
Standard Finder for FamilySearch |
https://familysearch.org/stdfinder/PlaceStandardLookup.jsp |
Time and Date |
http://www.timeanddate.com/ |
Time Search |
http://www.timesearch.info/timesearch/ |
Tombstone Technology: passing information
on generation after generation |
http://www.indianasnewscenter.com/news/video |
Top Ten Gift Ideas for the
Genealogist |
http://voices.yahoo.com/top-ten-gift-ideas-genealogist-114141.html?cat=49 |
Treasure Maps Genealogy |
http://amberskyline.com/treasuremaps/ |
Unsolved Ancestry |
http://www.unsolvedancestry.com |
War Graves Photographic Project |
http://www.twgpp.org/ |
What Happened in My Birth Year |
http://whathappenedinmybirthyear.com/ |
Waymarking |
http://www.waymarking.com/ |
What Was There? |
http://www.whatwasthere.com/default.aspx |
Where Do Our Nicknames Come From |
http://www.namenerds.com/uucn/advice/nickhistory.html |
Who Do You Think You Are? |
http://www.bbcsubscriptions.com/history/who-do-you-think-you-are |
Who Lived There? |
http://www.wholivedthere.com/ |
World Vital Records |
http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/ |
Wrecksite |
http://www.wrecksite.eu/Wrecksite.aspx |
Zap the Grandma Gap |
https://zapthegrandmagap.com/ |
France |
Somme Battlefields |
http://www.somme-battlefields.com/ |
India |
Families in British India Society |
http://www.new.fibis.org/ |
The Anglo Indian Family Trees and their
Links |
http://www.sumgenius.com.au/index.htm |
The Kabristan Archives - Ireland, Ceylon,
India Genealogy |
http://www.kabristan.org.uk/ |
Germany |
Bremen Passenger Lists 1920-1939 |
http://www.schiffslisten.de/index_en.html |
Cindi's List for Germany |
Cyndis list for Germany http://www.cyndislist.com/germany.htm |
Databases: Germany (Free Surname
Search) |
http://www.freesurnamesearch.com/search/germany.html |
Digibaeck |
http://www.lbi.org/digibaeck/ |
Genealogy.net |
www.genealogy.net |
Geneanet |
http://www.geneanet.org/ |
German Genealogy and Family History
-About.com |
http://genealogy.about.com/od/germany/German_Genealogy_Family_History.htm |
German Genealogy (Genealoger) |
http://www.genealoger.com/german/ger_general_sites.htm |
Germany Gen Web Project |
http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~wggerman/ |
Family research in Neumark (East
-Brandenburg) |
http://genealogienetz.de/reg/BRG/neumark/index.htm |
Genealoger- Pomeranian Genealogy |
http://www.genealoger.com/german/pommern/pommern__family_histories.htm |
German War Graves Commission |
http://www.volksbund.de/kurzprofil/homepage_en.asp |
German Emigration and Passenger Lists |
http://genealogy.about.com/od/german_emigration/German_Emigration_Passenger_Lists.htm |
Kindertransport Association |
http://www.kindertransport.org/ |
Online German Emigration Records &
Lists from German Roots |
http://www.germanroots.com/emigration.html |
Portal of the Federal Archives to the
First World War |
http://ersterweltkrieg.bundesarchiv.de/ |
Maryborough, QLD Australia Immigrants
from the British Isles & Germany 1861-91 |
http://search.ancestry.com.au/search/db.aspx?dbid=5559 |
Emigrants from Hamburg to Australasia
1850-1879 |
http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/indexinfo.aspx?ix=qfhs_emigrants1850-1879 |
Federation of Eastern European Family
History Societies |
http://www.feefhs.org/ |
Kartenmeister |
http://www.kartenmeister.com/preview/databaseuwe.asp |
Meyers Lexikon |
www.meyers.de/ |
Read Sütterlin |
www.suetterlinschrift.de/ |
GenWiki |
http://wiki‐de.genealogy.net/Hauptseite |
Ghana |
Gold Coast
Database |
http://gcdb.doortmontweb.org/ |
South Africa |
South African Records Transcribed |
http://www.eggsa.org/sarecords/index.php/ |
Kingdom |
Achievements - Genealogy Researchers |
http://www.achievements.co.uk |
Access to Archives |
http://www.a2a.org.uk/ |
Behind the Name |
http://email.ancestry.com/cgi-bin13/DM/y/n6Ma0ZaNPq0HHn0ddf0GF |
Bletchley Park |
http://www.bletchleypark.org.uk/ |
Bomb Site (Mapping the WWII
Bomb Census of London) |
http://www.bombsight.org/#15/51.5050/-0.0900 |
British Army WWI Service
Records |
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/iexec/?sssdmh=dm13.223458&htx=List&dbid=1219 |
British Film Industry National
Archives |
http://www.bfi.org.uk/archive-collections |
British History Online |
http://www.british-history.ac.uk |
British Home Children |
http://britishhomechildren.org/ |
British Newspapers |
http://newspapers.bl.uk/blcs/ |
British Newspaper Archive |
http://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/ |
British Records Association |
http://www.britishrecordsassociation.org.uk/ |
Pathé |
http://www.britishpathe.com/ |
Transport Police History Group |
http://www.btphg.org.uk/ |
CAMDEX - Index of Births,
Marriages, Civil Partnerships and Deaths in Cambridgeshire |
http://www.camdex.org/ |
Census Searches Ltd |
http://www.census-searches.co.uk/history.htm |
Chelsea Penioners |
http://www.findmypast.co.uk/chelsea-pensioners-service-records-collection-search-start.action |
Cheshire and Archives Local
Studies |
http://maps.cheshire.gov.uk/tithemaps/ |
Churchmouse Website |
http://www.churchmousewebsite.co.uk/ |
Coalmine History Resource
Centre |
http://www.cmhrc.co.uk/site/home/index.html |
Collections on a Map |
http://labs.nationalarchives.gov.uk/wordpress/index.php/2012/04/collections-on-a-map/#more-720 |
Connected Histories |
http://www.connectedhistories.org/ |
Cottontown - Blackburn,
Lancashire |
http://www.cottontown.org/ |
County Record Office - Buckinghamshire |
http://www.buckscc.gov.uk/bcc/content/index.jsp?contentid=-746638797 |
County Record Office - Cheshire |
http://www.cheshire.gov.uk/Recoff/home.htm |
County Record Office - Cambridgeshire |
http://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/leisure/archives/visiting/crocambridge.htm |
County Record Office - Derbyshire |
http://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/leisure/record_office/ |
County Record Office - Devon |
http://www.devon.gov.uk/record_office.htm |
County Record Office - Hampshire |
http://www3.hants.gov.uk/archives |
County Record Office - Lancashire |
http://www.lancashire.gov.uk/education/record_office/ |
County Record Office - Lincolnshire |
http://microsites.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Archives/ |
County Record Office - Nottinghamshire |
http://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/home/leisure/archives.htm |
County Record Office - Somerset |
http://www.somerset.gov.uk/archives/ |
County Record Office - Wiltshire |
http://history.wiltshire.gov.uk/heritage/index.php |
Curious Fox |
http://www.curiousfox.com |
Cumberland and Westmoreland Archives |
http://www.cumberlandarchives.co.uk/ |
Dambusters |
http://www.dambusters.biz/ |
Dedication Wall |
https://www.forces-war-records.co.uk/dedication-wall |
Deceased Online |
http://www.deceasedonline.com/ |
Digital Microfilm from Documents
Online |
http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documentsonline/digital-microfilm.asp |
Documents Online |
http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documentsonline/ |
Documents Online - Nursing Records First
World War |
http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documentsonline/nursing.asp |
Domesday Book |
http://www.domesdaybook.co.uk |
Durham Records Online |
http://www.durhamrecordsonline.com/ |
Early Modern England |
http://earlymodernengland.com/ |
Englands Immigrants 1330 - 1550 |
https://www.englandsimmigrants.com |
English Trade Directories of the 19th
Century |
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~pobjoyoneill/tradedir/engtrade.htm |
Family History Online (Federation of
Family History Societies UK) |
http://www.familyhistoryonline.net/ |
Family History Photos UK |
www.familyhistoryphotos.co.uk |
Family History Show |
http://www.familyhistoryshow.net/ |
Family Records at Durham University
Library |
http://familyrecords.dur.ac.uk/ |
Federation of Family History Societies |
http://www.ffhs.org.uk |
Find My Past |
http://www.findmypast.com/ |
First World War 100 Years |
http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/first-world-war |
Forces War Records |
http://www.forces-war-records.co.uk/ |
Free BMD |
http://freebmd.rootsweb.com/ |
Free Cen |
http://www.freecen.org.uk/ |
Free Reg |
http://www.freereg.org.uk/ |
Friends of the East Sussex Family History
Society |
http://fesro.org/ |
Gazetteer of British Placenames |
http://www.gazetteer.org.uk/index.php |
Gazettes Online (UK) |
http://www.gazettes-online.co.uk/ |
GB Parish Finder |
http://ccgi.kdepledge.plus.com/parishes.htm |
Genealogy UK and Ireland (GENUKI) |
http://www.genuki.org.uk |
Genhound |
http://www.genhound.co.uk/ |
Geograph British Isles |
http://www.geograph.org.uk/ |
Gloucestershire Archives |
http://ww3.gloucestershire.gov.uk/genealogy/Search.aspx |
Great War Archive |
http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/ww1lit/gwa |
Gretna Green Index |
http://www.achievements.co.uk/services/gretna/index.php |
General Register Office for England and
Wales |
http://www.gro.gov.uk/ |
Guardian and Observer Digital
Archive |
http://archive.guardian.co.uk/Default/Skins |
Hampshire Knightroots |
http://www.knightroots.co.uk/ |
Hearth Tax Online |
http://www.hearthtax.org.uk/ |
Hidden Lives Revealed |
http://www.hiddenlives.org.uk/ |
Isle Of Man Museum |
http://www.imuseum.im/ |
Institute for Name
Studies |
http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/english/ins/ |
Lancaster Castle Convict Database |
http://members.pcug.org.au/~ppmay/ |
Landed Families of Britain and
Ireland |
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Last Chance to Read |
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Legacies of British Slave
Ownership |
http://www.ucl.ac.uk/lbs/ |
Lincs to the Past |
http://www.lincstothepast.com |
Liverpool Poll Book 1832 |
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Living the Poor Life |
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London Lives |
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London Times |
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London’s Marriage License Index |
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Manchester Family History
Research |
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Manorial Documents Register |
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Meadieval England Soldiers |
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Mediaeval English Towns |
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Mediaevalists |
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National Archives |
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National Archives
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Great Britain (1850-1914) |
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Old Maps UK |
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Online Parish Clerk - Devon |
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Online Parish Clerk - Dorset |
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Online Parish Clerk - Essex |
http://essex-opc.org.uk/ |
Online Parish Clerk - Kent |
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Online Parish Clerk - Leicestershire |
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Online Parish Clerk - Lincolnshire |
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Online Parish Clerk - Monmouthshire |
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Online Parish Clerk - Somerset |
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Online Parish Clerk - Sussex |
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Online Parish Clerk - Warwickshire |
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Online Parish Clerk - Wiltshire |
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Migrants |
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Origins.net |
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Parish Chest |
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Parish Registers |
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Parish Register Lookup Exchange |
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Parish Register Transcription
Society |
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Passenger Lists Leaving UK 1890-1960 |
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Peerage |
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Photographers of Great Britain and
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Photo London |
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Pubs and Taverns Index 1801-1900 |
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Quakers In Britain |
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Queen Victoria's Journals |
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Richard’s Church Albums |
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Richard Heaton's Index to Digitalised
British and Irish Newspapers Online |
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Sandhurst Collection |
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Society of Genealogists |
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Society of Genealogists and Researchers
in Archives |
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Soldier in Later Medieval England |
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Southern Life UK |
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St Catherine’s House Marriage Index |
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Streetmap |
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Surman Index Online |
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The London Picture Map |
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Transportation of Convicts from
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UK 1911 Census |
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UK BMD Registers |
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UK BMD Share |
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UK Genealogy |
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Wellcome Images |
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Wiltshire Wills |
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Workhouse |
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Your Paintings BBC |
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Cornwall |
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Cornish Burials |
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Cornish Cemeteries |
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Cornwall Cam |
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Cornwall Family History Society |
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Geevor Tin Min |
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Online Parish Clerks for Cornwall |
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Redruth Town Trail |
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Stone & Quarry Men |
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Will Index |
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Ireland |
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1911 Census of Ireland |
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Ancestry Ireland.com - Ulster Historical
Foundation |
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Ask About Ireland Reading Room |
http://www.askaboutireland.ie/reading-room/ |
Belfast City Council Burial Records |
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Calendars of Wills and Administrations
1858-1920 |
http://www.willcalendars.nationalarchives.ie/search/cwa/home.jsp |
Church of Ireland Archives Online |
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Civil Records - Irish Genealogy |
https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/churchrecords/civil-search.jsp |
Clare County Library - Genealogy |
http://www.clarelibrary.ie/ |
Discover Ireland |
http://www.discoverireland.com/au/ |
Donegal Genealogical Resources |
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~donegal/ |
Donegal Relief Fund - Australia |
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~donegal/relief.htm |
Down Survey of Ireland |
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Find My Past Ireland |
http://www.findmypast.ie/ |
General Registry Office of Northern
Ireland |
https://geni.nidirect.gov.uk/ |
Historic Graves Ireland |
http://historicgraves.com/ |
Ireland Old News |
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Ireland XO Reaching Out |
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Irish Ancestors |
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Irish Cemeteries and Burial Records Online |
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Irish Civil Registration Indexes
1845-1958 |
http://search.labs.familysearch.org/recordsearch/start.html#p=2;t=searchable;c=1408347 |
Irish Family History Foundation |
http://www.irish-roots.ie/ |
Irish Genealogical Research Society |
http://www.irishancestors.ie/ |
Irish Newspaper Archive |
http://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ |
Limerick's Life |
http://limerickslife.com/ |
Kabristan Archives - Ireland, Ceylon,
India Genealogy |
http://www.kabristan.org.uk/ |
National Archives of Ireland - Free
Census Information |
http://genealogy.nationalarchives.ie/ |
Timeline Genealogy in Ireland |
http://timeline.ie |
Traditional Irish Naming Patterns |
https://blog.findmypast.ie/traditional-irish-naming-patterns |
World War I - 100 Years |
http://www.rte.ie/worldwar1/ |
Scotland |
Ancestral Scotland |
http://www.ancestralscotland.com/ |
Edinburgh Gazette |
http://www.edinburgh-gazette.co.uk/ |
Find a Grave in Scotland |
http://www.findagraveinscotland.com/ |
Gazetteer for Scotland |
http://www.scottish-places.info/ |
Gravestone Pictures |
http://www.oddquine.co.uk/gravestones/index.htm |
Hebrides People |
http://www.hebridespeople.com/ |
Highland and Island Emigration
Society |
http://www.angelfire.com/ns/bkeddy/HIES/3.html |
Highland Clearances |
http://www.theclearances.org/clearances/main.php |
Homecoming Scotland |
http://www.visitscotland.com/en-au/see-do/homecoming-scotland-2014/ |
Isle of Lismore Community Website |
http://www.isleoflismore.com/index.html |
National Library of Scotland |
http://www.nls.uk/ |
National Records of Scotland |
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Paradox of Medieval Scotland |
http://www.poms.ac.uk/db/search |
Scotland Census Records Online |
http://www.censusfinder.com/scotland.htm |
Scottish Archive Network |
http://www.scan.org.uk/ |
Scottish Borders Sherrif's Court
Paternity Case Search |
http://maxwellancestry.co.uk/ancestry/resources/courtsearch.aspx |
Scottish Documents |
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Scottish Emigration Database |
http://www.abdn.ac.uk/emigration/ |
Scottish Genealogy Society |
http://www.scotsgenealogy.com/ |
Scottish Post Office Directories
1773-1911 |
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Scotland’s People |
http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/ |
Scotland's Places |
http://www.scotlandsplaces.co.uk/ |
Wales |
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Welsh Mariners |
http://www.welshmariners.org.uk/ |
Welsh Newspapers Online |
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People's Collection Wales |
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United States of America |
America - Historic American Newspapers |
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Ellis Island |
http://www.ellisisland.org/ |
Family Search 1940 Census |
https://familysearch.org/1940census/ |
FamilyTreeNow.com |
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Cemetery Presque Isle, Maine |
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Fold 3 |
http://www.fold3.com/ |
History Detectives (TV Series) |
http://www.pbs.org/opb/historydetectives/ |
Ancestor Project |
http://immigrants.byu.edu/ |
My Genealogy Hound |
http://www.mygenealogyhound.com/# |
Social Security Death Index |
http://www.ancestry.com/search/rectype/vital/ssdi/main.htm |
Sorenson Molecular Genealogy
Foundation |
http://www.smgf.org/ |
Unknown No Longer |
http://unknownnolonger.vahistorical.org/ |
War of 1812 |
http://www.thewarof1812.net/ |