South East Family History Group woman.JPG
Revocation of Land Agreements
May 1884 "South Eastern Star"
The undersigned are notified that unless they furnish the Commissioner of Crown Lands
within one month from the 17th May with satisfactory documentary evidence in
support of their having fullfilled the conditons of their agreements, it will be lawfull for the
Commissioner to revoke such agreements and resume the lands therein described:
Surname Given Names Section Hundred Acres
NEWTON William 46 Mt Muirhead 20
SCHINCKEL Simon 46 Rivoli Bay 23
HAY Jane 118 + 123 Rivoli Bay 173
LIVINGSTON Duncan 643, 644, 647 + 648 MacDonnell 233
HOGAN John Andrew 31, 32, 38 + 39E Mayurra 640
WERCHON Frederick William 25 Waterhouse 6
CONSIDINE Laurence 303 Blanche 133
CAMERON Dugald 395 Naracoorte 212
JOHNS Joseph 179S Robertson 83
GRAHAME James 192, 196, 197 + part 195 Robertson 1000
SUDING Elias 189 Waterhouse 53
GRAHAME Charlotte 186, 189 + 193 Robertson 1000
HODGSON Joseph 9 + 12 Gambier 285
This last and the following bear date 20th May:-
HENSLEY William Hay 95 Townsend 467
BLUME Edward Golthard 28, 29, 30 + 34 Mayurra 633